Ferran Marques received a degree on Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 1988. From 1989 to June 1990, he worked in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in the group of "Digital image sequence processing and coding". In June 1990, he joined the Department of Signal Theory and Communications (TSC) of the UPC. In 1991, he was with the Signal and Image Processing Institute at USC in Los Angeles (California). He received the Spanish Best Ph.D. Thesis on Electrical Engineering Award-1992. Since 2003, he is Full Professor at the TSC Department of the UPC, having served as Associate Dean for International Relations of the Telecommunication School (ETSETB) at UPC (1997-2000) and as President of the European Association for Signal, Speech and Image Processing EURASIP (2002-2004).
